Friday, March 30, 2012

After avoiding the commitment for two years in a row, I am finally participating in this year's A to Z blog Challenge.

For those unfamiliar with the challenge, over 1400 participants will be posting on a topic or word that matches the corresponding letter of the alphabet, starting with “A” on Sunday, April 1, then every day except Sundays after that. (B is April 2, C is April 3, etc.)

I am still posting my normal content in addition to the challenge, so this blog is going to see more action than the girls of Jersey Shore.

The hardest part of accepting the challenge was deciding what to post about. After considering the point of the challenge - to network with other bloggers - my topic choice became clear: me. To help my fellow A to Z bloggers learn more about me, I'll be sharing a few tidbits about myself everyday of the challenge:

1. My Favorite Movie
This was a no-brainer since I write movie reviews for a living. Aside from the fact that I love talking about movies, I think you can learn a lot about a person based on their choice of favorite films.

2. A Little Known Fact
I'll be dishing some juicy secrets about my life each day of the challenge. If you don't know much about me now, that will quickly be remedied by the end of the month. You have been warned.

3. Bonus: Favorite Wine
Considering that I'm a wino, I feel compelled to talk about wine whenever I can. I couldn't think of a favorite wine for every corresponding letter of the alphabet, so this topic will only appear on a few posts.

That's it! I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of my fellow bloggers during this challenge.


A to Z


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