Monday, April 2, 2012
Favorite Movie: Braveheart
I remember when I saw "Braveheart" for the first time - I was visiting my mom in California during winter break and she wanted to watch the movie with me. For reasons that are still unclear to me, I wasn't interested in seeing it. But, she insisted so I complied. I'm so glad I did. I knew the movie was going to be a massive, bloody epic; what I didn't expect was for it to contain so many explicit Shakespearean themes. I was especially moved with how it dealt with courage, sacrifice, friendship, love, and betrayal. Although many of today's critics bash "Braveheart" as a vanity piece, I still consider it a classic tragedy.

Little Known Fact: Bullied
I spent a majority of my childhood being bullied in one form or another. In the 5th grade, an older more popular girl, Susan, kept me from going to my best friend's birthday party, claiming she wouldn't go if I was invited. At 10, being uninvited from your best friend's birthday party is absolutely devastating. Unfortunately, that was the nicest of the affronts. Later that year, a group of boys started chasing and tormenting me on my way home from school. They would pin me down and grab me, threatening to kill my dog if I ever told anyone.

When I finally started middle school, my only friend, Dee, liked a boy, who had a crush on me. In a fit of jealously, Dee started a nasty rumor about me and this boy, turning me into the school slut. I had never even been kissed. I suffered an entire year of being kicked, slapped, spit on, and called names. This is when I learned how to forgive.

Bonus: Favorite Wine: Byron Pinot Noir
The flavor profile for Byron pinot noir is nothing that I expected. Usually, pinot noirs are a very fruit forward wine. The Byron, on the other handed opens with a hint of rose before moving into the fruity cherry and plum flavor. The finish was nice and earthy. It retails for $22.00 a bottle.


Timothy S. Brannan said...

Looking forward to reading more movie reviews from you.

The bullied part, yeah that sucks and I can relate, but look where you are now. Plus, I nor any one else reading this blog knows who the hell Susan is. So there is that.

Looking forward to seeing what you do this month.

The Other Side
The Freedom of Nonbelief

farawayeyes said...

Braveheart - good - very good. Bullying - bad and very sad. That which doesn't kill us...

Unknown said...

I still haven't seen Braveheart - something I really need to rectify.

That sucks to hear about the bullying :( I'd be lying if I said I could relate, but it's been my observations that people like Susan end up in a pretty crappy place. It's not much of a plus, but it's there. Thanks for your honesty :)

Looking forward to seeing your other A-Z posts!

Jamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy
Mithril Wisdom

Sara Hill said...

I'd love to hear you expound on the Shakespearean themes of Braveheart. Loved the movie. Couldn't watch the end. EEK! And I'm not usually such a wuss!

Francene Stanley said...

I loved the emotion in the movie 'Braveheart'.

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